Tea/ Tee

Tea is made from the plant Camellia sinensis using fresh or treated leaves. Rarely another species from the same genus may also be used. And that's it. Anything made from flowers, herbs berries etc is an infusion, also called a tisane. Once tisanes were made using barley water, but this meaning has more or less died out, although you may be able to get barley water in squash form in shops.
Tee wird nur aus den frischen oder behandelten Blättern der Pflanzen aus der Camellia -Genus hergestellt. Hauptsächlich Camellia sinensis. Alles sonst is kein Tee. Auch wenn so genannt.

Black to White/ Schwarz bis Weiß

Differences in sorts of tea has all to do with the degree of oxidation.
  • Max- Black
  • Partly- Oolong
  • Not- Green, Yellow and White

Why Milk?/ Warum Milch?

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Flavourings/ Zusatzstoffe

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In the British Isles, one tends to keep tea warm with a tea cosy, this example was knitted by someone at home and bought from a 'bring and buy sale'. There are lots of commercially available cosies to fit your decor. In Germany a little heated stove using a 'tea light', a sort of candle, tends to be more common.