Online Mags

Good and honest I believe are:
Gut und vertrauenswurdig sind, ich glaube:
  • TNT- Audio tips, reviews and diy -English and Italian, from cheap and cheerful recommendations to the fairly exotic
  • Fairaudio online Zeitschrift mit interessanten Artikeln (German)
I am no hifi guru, what I can offer is info about what equipment I have, and some links to possibly useful web sites, or shops.

Vinyl & CDs

I have only had good experiences with local record shops. Most also sell online. And some have not only the usual range, but also specialise in one genre on top. Maybe rarities, or Metal
Shops (a small selection I know)
. Laut und Kreativ, Reinickendorf
Ace Records, online with shop recommendations
ZeeDee, Wedding

Equipment - 2nd Hand/ Gebraucht

HiFi neu oder gebraucht: German only Proper hifi shops expect you, even if you are looking at their old stock/ ex-demo sales, to go in and listen to your own music, whether on CD or USB-stick. Or if streaming then take titles that you might want to hear.

DIY - Selbstbau

Cyburg’s Needle Speaker
For photo see next section Constructed using mdf board, basically a long tuned open-ended pipe. Uses a single wideband chassis- Cheapest version: Visaton FRS8 and no frequency correction. This version: Tang Band W3-871S and a filter to compensate for an unlinearity around 200Hz. Clear, pleasant, involving sound with enough bass but not really for loud music. More Info
Aus MDF Platte um eine lange getünte Röhre mit offenem Ende unten zu bauen. Mit einem Breitbänder- entweder Visaton FRS8 ohne Filter, oder Tang Band W3-871S mit Filternetzwerk. Mit schönem Klang und ausreichend Bass. Nicht für sehr laute Musik. Needle bei Lautsprecher-forum
Flexy HiFi Rack
flexy plus needles
One small TNT-Audio Flexy I built, shown here with Needle speakers. Simple, effective, and if done well good looking hifi rack. Made with mdf board, threaded rods, nuts, rubber rings and washers. You can go further, but why when the simplicity of the design is what makes it so good.
Aus MDF Platte, Gewindestangen, Müttern und Ringen, einfach und wirkungsvoll. Minimalistisches Eleganz. Zu viel Schnickschnack stört das ursprüngliche Konzept. Flexy Table(also in Italian)
Eaton Phone Amp/ KHV
Good sound, discrete design, lots of soldering, 2 box version with power supply and amp in separate boxes. Useful where no headphone output exists or where an amp's own headphone output is of poor quality. Based on a modified version of a design by Earl Eaton- hence the name. Guter Klang aber viel zu löten. Ich habe den mit Netzteil und Verstärker in getrennten Gehäuser gebaut.
Raspberry Pi Streamer
Rasperry Pi shown here with a HiFiBerry Digi Pro HAT Board. There are also DAC Boards with analogue outputs.
Manufacturers of the add on boards offer cases and accessories and have software suggestions.
Check out Hifiberry or Audiophonics as just 2 examples of what is on offer to set up good value, high quality streaming. Also with connectivity to Tidal, Qubuz and Spotify streaming services, for example, as well as to most other sources you have on your home network. Listen to Radio Paradise for example, and BBC Radio online outside the UK!BBC Radio 2